After some
good fishing in late september in Croatia I put the Stelzbock on the
trailer to go back north.
On the 15th of
october around 7am close to Kassel I had to stop suddenly because of
a stopped Truck on the highway .In the same second I got to a stop
another 40ton truck crashed into the Stelzbock and pushed it with me
in my van into the stopped truck. The boat and car are a total loss
but I got out with just a broken hand. We will see what and when
something will replace the Stelzbock.
for all the good times !
for the fishinggrounds in Rügen !
Another very
good day for the Stelzbock !
We caught a
10.5kg salmon
and 7
seatrouts up to 5 kg today
and missed two
more salmon and a couple trouts as well.
We had another
excellent day !
Axel caught
his personel and the boats biggest salmon so far !
It was 123cm
long and weighed 16kg !
Ingo caught
another 8 kg fish
and we caught
another 5 seatrouts !
Next trip to
Rügen and we had an excellent start !
First I caught
my personel best salmon of 14 kg !
After that
Ingo caught a 7kg fish
and we had one
more bite in the morning !
Back in Rügen
the week started with just a few very small seatrouts but in the end
I got
a decent trout
a 10,5kg
for the first
trip. Two fish have been caught around 19kg and one over 20 was
brought in allready. More to come in a few days .
After a good
season in croatia the Stelzbock went to Rügen in NE Germany for
salmonfishing between christmas and new year.
We did a short
two day trip two weeks before where we caught 4 salmon and 5
On the 26th a
salmon around 8 kg.
The next day
we caught one about 12 kg on a dipsy diver.
We caught 3
more salmon up too 10 kg and a couplke of seatrout.
On the 30st
Axel and Marco on the "Blackmarlin" caught two nice ones
with 14 and 16 kg
This years
last trip of the Stelzbock was in the middle of dezember
to sweden ,
After a nonsatisfactory trial in Simrishamn I went up to Lake Vänern
and caught 3 salmon (landlocked) and 1 laketrout plus a couple of
The biggest
salmon was 9kg
Christmas and Happy New Year
No Luck in the
fishing again but very good luck in the pointsituation.
As Bakul
couldn´t point either today the Stelzbock remained
on the 3rd
place of Jezeras "Big Game 2007"
Nada !
Nobody knows
if they are still in the lead ?
(first day of competition)
around 11 I
got a call from Stelzbock telling me they had marks on the
Garmin GPS Map
and that was
the start of a great day for them !
First Andreas
caught and released his first bluefin around 35kg on a 50 pound
standup rod.
A bit later my
brother Ingo caught a simillar fish on the same tackle and also
released it.
Then they got
the fish up to the surface and handfeeded them the sardines.
Axel managed
to catch the first points for the competiton with his 45,5kg tuna.
And the last
action of the day was Andres 60kg tuna
Stelzbock is leading the competition as the only team with two fish
in the points and 4 fish caught.
Second is a
fish of 72,5kg
and the third
place lies arround 55kg after the first of 3 days competition !!!
As Axel had a
rather bad trip in the summer he wanted to come back to get even.
He came with
his three friends Ingo ,Andre and Andreas to join this years
on there first
trainingday they caught a 35kg warmup tuna.
Andre and his first bluefin
My friend
Thomas was more lucky in August. The Team caught 2 Tunas of 95 and 85
kg in 5 days of fishing.
This year Axel
and friends were not so lucky and only caught a baby Tuna and a
simillar size swordfish
but they´ll
be back for the competition !
The Stelzbock had a very good season
in croatia !
on his 80pound standup tackle
the first fish was Axels 129kg
Bluefintuna !
A few days later Marco had his day
He caught a 80kg tuna also on 80
The last big fish of their
summertrip was a
130kg + Blueshark
In august Robert and Hermann
borrowed the boat because of a broken "Lucky Strike"
They caught a 68kg Swordfish
After that they caught a couple of
Until april the fishing was not very
good in Simrishamn.
The water was very cold and the fish
didn´t feed or very not in the area.
We did our first trip with the
Stelzbock easter but had bad weather and 2.3 degrees cold water.The
fish were more frequent in Bornholm but I had nothing organized to go
there. We fished only 2 days and caught a 12kg cod north of the
davids bank but only had one bite of a salmon that didn´t
My father and his 12kg cod
The next trip was in the end of
april and the fish were still in Bornholm so Axel and his friends
Marco and Andreas fished there and caught a 5 kg and a 9 kg salmon
and also lost a nice one.
I arrived on the 30st of april and
fished alone first in Simrishamn and caught two very small salmon but
the water was still too cold so I road over to Bornholm and fished
there for two days. I caught only one 4 kg salmon and heared of some
friends that first big travelling salmon have been caught in
Simrishamn so I went back. I caught one about 3,5 kg in 40feet . I
heared of lots of big salmon caught on the surface including 2 over
20 kg !!! and changed my system to travelsalmonfishing with higher
speed and straight spoons close to the surface for the next day.
The wind picked up to 8m/s and it
was very rough but the salmon liked it !
Multiple catchreports on the radio
stopped me from giving up and at midday I got my first bite of a nice
one . Unfortunatly the clip on the plannerboard got tangeled due to
the rough sea and the line broke after drowning the planner board !
Two hours later I got another bite
on a Dipsy diver with a Grizzly salar and after a difficult netting I
had my 12kg traveller in the boat !
The weatherforcast for the next days
was bad so I packed and went home But I´ll come back for more !
Andreas and the start of a great day
Axel and No 2
A nice Cod !
Ingo and the biggest one 14.5 kg !
The last minute salmon !
1 rod left in the water !!!
Since a couple
of seasons we are fishing for atlantic salmon out of simrishamn
south sweden !
Last year we
got a new Quicksilver 630 and we had a very produktiv season !
The Stelzbock
We had very
good fishing in december and january
Our best day
was 11 salmon with 3 over 10 kg !
The biggest
fish on our boat was 12,3 kg caught in april 04
The biggest I
have seen landed in simrishamn was 20,5 kg
but the record
here is over 24kg
We are fishing
in the open baltic in waterdephts between 40 and 80 meters
We are
trolling with downriggers ( canon unitrolls ) and several other
and on the
suface with mostly artificial lures like spoons and plasticbaits.
fishinggrounds start about 5 miles from the habour.
The main
species is the atlantic salmon but seatrouts are also quiet common
and get to up too 15kg !
You will also
catch codfish and unfortunatly also lots of garfish from april on.
Axel with 10,7
kg salmon
Ingo with a
nice salmon
I will be in
Simrishamn in march april in 2005
If you are
interested just give me a mail and we might find a way to get you a
couple of nice salmon !!!